Goodlife Real Estate Australia

How does street appeal add value to your home?

How does street appeal add value to your home?

How does street appeal add value to your home?

When your property is on the market, making a first impression is key! Having good ‘street appeal’ is just as important as showcasing your interiors. Improving your home’s street appeal doesn't’ have to be daunting, we have gathered some simple, low-cost ideas to help you create a lasting first impression.

Tidy up your front yard

It seems obvious, but a great-looking exterior draws prospective buyers to come inside your home and check out the rest of the property. Invest some time in basic gardening and landscaping by doing easy things like weeding, trimming overgrown bushes, tidying edges and perhaps even add some colourful plants or flowers to freshen up the look. Consider your front fence, if you have one, fixing broken posts or adding a fresh coat of paint can really boost the overall appearance and showcase a level of privacy as an added feature. (And, one last little tip is to hide your rubbish bins from view – tuck them around a corner or behind a gate. We know we all need them, but they do not need to be on show.)

By having a tidy and beautiful yard, you create an inviting mood and show that the property has been well-cared for.


Check the small details

Small changes can make a huge impact and affect how your potential buyers connect with your property.  So, when looking to enhance your street appeal, make sure to also check these items:

·         House Number- make sure yours is clear and easy to see so buyers can locate your property.

·         Letterbox - make sure it is functional and in an easy-to-spot area for people who pass by. (It might be worth investing in a new one.)

·         Functional door features – ensure your doorknobs, handles and locks all all working and are well–maintained to avoid any security concerns.

·         Clean your windows – having clean windows reflects how you care for your home, helps to showcase your view (if you have one) and add improves your overall aesthetic.

Paint with the right colours
It might be time for a fresh coat of paint for your fence, front door or home exterior and as people have different styles and preferences, choosing the right colours that will complement your aesthetic is crucial when selling a home. Consider going for the safest options -  light and neutrals.  You could also choose to add some bright pops of colour, but keep it balanced to and not overpowering.

Don't overdesign

There is nothing wrong with setting the aesthetics for your home but remember that when selling a property don’t overdo it, the new owner will inevitably come in and add their own style and flair. Consider giving them space to work on their ideas and see the potential in your property.

Improve your street appeal with Goodlife Real Estate

At Goodlife Real Estate, we are committed to assisting clients in adding value to their homes and achieving their goals. Get in touch with us today for expert guidance on property conversion and making a great first impression for your home.


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